This site is from a past semester! The current version is here.
CS2113/T Aug '19
  • Week 1 [Aug 12]
  • Week 2 [Aug 19]
  • Week 3 [Aug 26]
  • Week 4 [Sep 2]
  • Week 5 [Sep 9]
  • Week 6 [Sep 16]
  • Week 7 [Sep 30]
  • Week 8 [Oct 7]
  • Week 9 [Oct 14]
  • Week 10 [Oct 21]
  • Week 11 [Oct 28]
  • Week 12 [Nov 4]
  • Week 13 [Nov 11]
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    Week 12 [Nov 4]

    Demo during tutorial

    • The remaining members (who did not demo the previous week) do a timed demo in the tutorial this week
    • Ensure that you have at least 20 meaningful data items (Reason: your demo doesn't look good if the app is blank!
      • E.g., aaa, test 1, etc., are not considered meaningful
    • Be aware of the requirements of v1.4 submission

    Mock MCQ

    • We will have a mock MCQ test in the last 30 min of the lecture, just for you to gain some practise.
    • This is not graded.

    Prepare testing instructions

    • You need to create a new section in the appendix of your DG, named Instructions for Manual Testing. It should include testing instructions to cover the features of each team member.

    • What to include in the Instructions for Manual Testing?
      This appendix is meant to give some guidance to the tester to chart a path through the features, and provide some important test inputs the tester can copy-paste into the app.
      There is no need to give a long list of test cases including all possible variations. It is upto the tester to come up with those variations.
      However, if the instructions are inaccurate or deliberately misses/mis-states information to make testing harder  i.e. annoys the tester, the tester can report it as a bug  (because flaws in developer docs are considered as bugs).

    • If the Instructions for Manual Testing is missing in your DG during the final testing session, the tester flags it as a high severity documentation bug.