This site is from a past semester! The current version is here.
CS2113/T Aug '19
  • Week 1 [Aug 12]
  • Week 2 [Aug 19]
  • Week 3 [Aug 26]
  • Week 4 [Sep 2]
  • Week 5 [Sep 9]
  • Week 6 [Sep 16]
  • Week 7 [Sep 30]
  • Week 8 [Oct 7]
  • Week 9 [Oct 14]
  • Week 10 [Oct 21]
  • Week 11 [Oct 28]
  • Week 12 [Nov 4]
  • Week 13 [Nov 11]
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    Week 7 [Sep 30]

    The Project List Page

    If your photo or your UI mock-up does not appear in the page, you have not followed our instructions correctly. 'Close enough' is sometimes not 'good enough'. Please rectify before v1.1 deadline. In particular,

    • Please follow our guidelines for your photo. If not, the photo will not serve its intended purpose (i.e., for others to identify you).
    • Please limit the Ui.png to one screenshot only, so that your UI mockup takes roughly the same amount of space as other teams' in the Teams Page.

    Project v1.1

    v1.1 milestone deadline is coming up soon: Refer to v1.1 instructions carefully and try to follow as closely as you can. However, there is no lower bar on the code changes you need to do. Even a tiny change is acceptable. Use that flexibility to control your workload.

    Create milestone: v1.1 and set the deadline to be the day before your tutorial in week 7. assign some type.Task issues and complete them.

    Submission: Follow the instructions in the project tab to submit your documents for review.

    Mid-semester feedback session

    • Peer Evaluation Round 1 will be open on TEAMMATES. You should have received the submission link. If you do not submit feedback responses, you will forfeit participation marks that you earned based on feedback ratings received from others.
      • The expectations are two fold. First, we hope you will give a honest and constructive feedback to your teammates to help them improve. Second, we hope that you will use the feedback you received to be an effective team player.

    • An anonymous survey to submit feedback about the teaching team is open on LumiNUS. Please take a few minutes to give feedback to your tutors and the lecturer.
      • We will use your feedback to adapt some teaching strategies so that you will be benefited.