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CS2113/T Aug '19
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    Week 7 [Sep 30]

    Suggested tutorial activities

    Project management - Issue tracker

    • Setup the issue tracker as per the instructions, if you haven't done yet.
    • Record all your user stories as issues.
    • Try to identify type.Epic issues from corresponding type.Story.
    • Assign priority labels to all the issues.
    • Split the type.Story issues to type.Task.

    Project management - Scheduling

    • Create milestones: v1.2, v1.3, v1.4, and set the deadline to be the day before your tutorial in weeks 9, 11 and 13.
    • At minimum, assign some type.Epic or type.Story issues to each milestone.
      • (Preferred) assign all type.Story, type.Epic and type.Task issues to each milestone.
    • Assign at least one owner to each type.Story and type.Task to all the issues in v1.2.


    1. Which architecture styles are using in your project?
    2. Identify the components in your product and draw the architecture diagram.
    3. What is an API? Identify the API that your product (more specifically its components) provides.
    4. What is the design approach you are following in your project?

    Draw an activity diagram to represent the following workflow a burger shop uses when processing an order by a customer.

    • First, a cashier takes the order.
    • Then, three workers start preparing the order at the same time; one prepares the drinks, one prepares the burgers, and one prepares the desserts.
    • In the meantime, the customer pays for the order. If the customer has a voucher, she pays using the voucher; otherwise she pays using cash.
    • After paying, the customer collects the food after all three parts of the order are ready.
