Do not expect your tutor to code or debug for you. We strongly discourage tutors from giving technical help directly to their own teams because we want to train you in troubleshooting tech problems yourselves. Allowing direct tech help from tutors transfers the troubleshooting responsibility to tutors.
It is ok to ask for help from classmates even for assignments, even from other teams, as long as you don't copy from others and submit as your own. It doesn't matter who is helping you as long as you are learning from it.
We encourage you to give tech help to each other, but do it in a way that the other person learns from it.
Related: [Admin: Appendix D: Getting Help]
Learning Management System: This module website is the main source of information for the module. In addition, we use LumiNUS for lecture webcasts and for admin matters (e.g., announcements, file submissions, grade book, ...).
Collaboration platform: You are required to use GitHub as the hosting and collaboration platform of your project (i.e., to hold the Code repository, Issue Tracker, etc.). See Appendix E for more info on how to setup and use GitHub for your project.
Create a GitHub account (if you don't have one yet), as explained in the panel below.
Relevant: [
Create a personal GitHub account if you don't have one yet.
You are advised to choose a sensible GitHub username as you are likely to use it for years to come in professional contexts.
Strongly recommended: Complete your GitHub profile. In particular,
The GitHub profile is useful for the tutors and classmates to identify you. If you are reluctant to share your info in your long-term GitHub account, you can remove those details after the module is over or create a separate GitHub account just for the module.
You are discouraged from changing your GitHub username during the semester/exam/grading period as it can cause our auto-grading scripts to miss your GitHub activities. If you do change your GitHub username during that period, please let us know immediately.
The purpose of the profile photo is for the teaching team to identify you. Therefore, you should choose a recent individual photo showing your face clearly (i.e., not too small) -- somewhat similar to a passport photo. Some examples can be seen in the 'Teaching team' page. Given below are some examples of good and bad profile photos.
If you are uncomfortable posting your photo due to security reasons, you can post a lower resolution image so that it is hard for someone to misuse that image for fraudulent purposes. If you are concerned about privacy, you can request permission to omit your photo from the page by writing to prof.
See Appendix E - Using GitHub for more information.
Revision control: You are required to use Git. Other revision control software are not allowed.
The recommended GUI client for Git is SourceTree (which comes bundled with Git), but you may use any other, or none.
Install Git and a Git GUI client on your computer.
SourceTree comes with bundled with Git i.e., if you install SourceTree, you get both Git and a GUI client in one shot.
Set Git
: We use various tools to analyze your code. For us to be able to identify your commits, we encourage you to set your Git
in all computers you use to a sensible string that uniquely identify you. You can to GitHub username or as your Git username. If this user name is not set properly or if you use multiple user names for Git, our tools might miss some of your work and as a result you might not get credit for some of your work.
After installing Git in a computer, you can set the Git username as follows:
git config --global YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME
(omit the --global
flag to limit the setting to the current repo repo)git config --global JohnDoe
or from within the repo git config JohnDoe
More info about setting Git username is here.
Communication: Keeping a record of communications among your team can help you, and us, in many ways. We encourage you to do at least some of the project communication in written medium (e.g., GitHub Issue Tracker) to practice how to communicate technical things in written form.
) to start using this channel).
IDE: You are recommended to use Intellij IDEA for module-related programming work. You may use the community edition (free) or the ultimate edition (free for students). While the use of Intellij is not compulsory, note that module materials are optimized for Intellij. Use other IDEs at your own risk.
Analyzing code authorship: We use a custom-built tool called RepoSense for extracting code written by each person.
We recommend you ensure your code is RepoSense-compatible by v1.3
We use a tool called RepoSense to capture your contributions (i.e., each student's code) for grading.
1. View the current status of code authorship data:
2. If the code does not match:
git username
in some of your commits does not match your GitHub username (perhaps you missed our instructions to set your Git username to match GitHub username earlier in the project, or GitHub did not honor your Git username for some reason)3. You can run RepoSense locally:
file to your repo (as specified by one of the two methods):
"authorNames": ["theMyth", "theLegend", "theGary"]
to the lecturer so that the centralized dashboard can be updated to reflect the contributions accurately.@@author
annotations, please follow the guidelines show below.@@author
tags to indicate authorshipMark your code with a //@@author {yourGithubUsername}
. Note the double @
The //@@author
tag should indicates the beginning of the code you wrote. The code up to the next //@@author
tag or the end of the file (whichever comes first) will be considered as was written by that author.
Here is a sample code file:
//@@author johndoe
method 1 ...
method 2 ...
//@@author sarahkhoo
method 3 ...
//@@author johndoe
method 4 ...
If you don't know who wrote the code segment below yours, you may put an empty //@@author
(i.e. no GitHub username) to indicate the end of the code segment you wrote. The author of code below yours can add the GitHub username to the empty tag later.
Here is a sample code with an empty author
method 0 ...
//@@author johndoe
method 1 ...
method 2 ...
method 3 ...
method 4 ...
The author tag syntax varies based on file type e.g. for java, css, fxml. Use the corresponding comment syntax for non-Java files.
Here is an example code from an xml/fxml file.
<!-- @@author sereneWong -->
Do not put the //@@author
inside java header comments.
* Returns true if ...
* @@author johndoe
//@@author johndoe
* Returns true if ...
Annotate both functional and test code There is no need to annotate documentation files.
Annotate only significant size code blocks that can be reviewed on its own e.g., a class, a sequence of methods, a method.
Claiming credit for code blocks smaller than a method is discouraged but allowed. If you do, do it sparingly and only claim meaningful blocks of code such as a block of statements, a loop, or an if-else statement.
Do not try to boost the quantity of your contribution using unethical means such as duplicating the same code in multiple places. In particular, do not copy-paste test cases to create redundant tests. Even repetitive code blocks within test methods should be extracted out as utility methods to reduce code duplication. Individual members are responsible for making sure code attributed to them are correct. If you notice a team member claiming credit for code that he/she did not write or use other questionable tactics, you can email us (after the final submission) to let us know.
If you wrote a significant amount of code that was not used in the final product,
{project root}/unused
//@@author {yourGithubUsername}-unused
to mark unused code in those files (note the suffix unused
e.g.//@@author johndoe-unused
method 1 ...
method 2 ...
Please put a comment in the code to explain why it was not used.
If you reused code from elsewhere, mark such code as //@@author {yourGithubUsername}-reused
(note the suffix reused
//@@author johndoe-reused
method 1 ...
method 2 ...
You can use empty @@author
tags to mark code as not yours when RepoSense attribute the to you incorrectly.
Code generated by the IDE/framework, should not be annotated as your own.
Code you modified in minor ways e.g. adding a parameter. These should not be claimed as yours but you can mention these additional contributions in the Project Portfolio page if you want to claim credit for them.
The high-level learning outcome of the project (and to a large degree, the entire module):
Accordingly, the module project is structured to mimic a real-life software project in the inception stages. In this project you will,
In this semester, we will implement and enhance a simple personal assistant, Duke. In the initial phase, you will design and develop Duke to manage tasks for a user. A sample interaction with Duke is as shown below.
____ _
| _ \ _ _| | _____
| | | | | | | |/ / _ \
| |_| | |_| | < __/
|____/ \__,_|_|\_\___|
Hello! I'm Duke
What can I do for you?
Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][✓] read book
2.[D][✗] return book (by: June 6th)
3.[E][✗] project meeting (at: Aug 6th 2-4pm)
4.[T][✓] join sports club
todo borrow book
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✗] borrow book
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!
This product is meant for users who can type fast, and prefer typing over mouse/voice commands. Therefore, Command Line Interface (CLI) is the primary mode of interaction.
Relevant: [
project expectations
The project will run in two phases.
The project consists of the following increments:
Level 1
to Level 10
to indicate how the features make the product progressively "level up".Phase 1 comprises Levels 1 to 10 with some Category A and Category B extensions.
In Phase 2, each of you will develop one enhancement each from Category C and Category D.
However, you need to ensure that the overall product is cohesive in nature, which means, as a team, you need to decide on a few things before embarking on developing the enhancements.
The following sections may help you decide on the enhancements.
[Direction 1] Optimize the task manager for a more specific target user group:
After Phase 1 of the project, think about optimizing your project to suite a specific target user group when you implement Category C and Category D enhancements.
A task manager:
[Direction 2] Morph the task manager into a different product:
Given that Duke provides capabilities to manage certain types of elements (i.e., tasks), you can use it as a starting point to create an app that manages something else in Phase 2. Model the Category C and Category D enhancements to cater to the new app that you want to develop.
An app to manage:
This is a high-risk high-reward option because morphing requires extra work but a morphed product may earn more marks than an optimized product of similar complexity.
For either direction, you need to define a target user profile and a value proposition:
Target user profile: Define a very specific target user profile.
💡 We require you to narrow down the target user profile as opposed to trying to make it as general as possible. Here is an example direction of narrowing down target user: anybody → teachers → university teachers → tech savvy university teachers → CS2113/T instructors.
Be careful not to contradict given project constraints when defining the user profile e.g. the target user should still prefer typing over mouse actions.
It is expected that your product will be optimized for the chosen target users i.e., add features that are especially/only applicable for target users (to make the app especially attractive to them). w.r.t. the example above, there can be features that are applicable to CS2113/T instructors only, such as the ability to navigate to a student's project on GitHub
💡 Your project will be graded based on how well the features match the target user profile and how well the features fit-together.
We strongly recommend that you contribute to multiple (preferably, all) aspects of the project e.g. write backend code, frontend code, test code, user documentation, and developer documentation. If you limit yourself to certain aspects only, you will lose marks allocated for the aspects you did not do.
In particular, you are required to divide work based on features rather than components:
Here are some examples from the past project (Enhancing an AddressBook application) of different enhancements and the grade the student is likely to earn for the relevant parts of the project grade.
While these examples do not necessarily translate directly to the current project, they should give you an idea of the depth of the feature and the effort required to implement it (including automated tests and documentation).
) : Add support for undo/redoB
) : Add support for viewing historyTeam-tasks are the tasks that someone in the team has to do. Marks allocated to team-tasks will be divided among team members based on how much each member contributed to those tasks.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of team-tasks:
Roles indicate aspects you are in charge of and responsible for. E.g., if you are in charge of documentation, you are the person who should allocate which parts of the documentation is to be done by who, ensure the document is in right format, ensure consistency etc.
This is a non-exhaustive list; you may define additional roles.
, UI
, Storage
, etc. If you are in charge of a component, you are expected to know that component well, and review changes done to that component in v1.3-v1.4.Please make sure each of the important roles are assigned to one person in the team. It is OK to have a 'backup' for each role, but for each aspect there should be one person who is unequivocally the person responsible for it.
Your project should comply with the following constraints. Reason: to increase comparability among projects and to maximize applicability of module learning outcomes in the project.
Constraint-Typing-Preferred: The product should be targeting users who can type fast and prefer typing over other means of input.
Reason: to increase comparability of products, and to make feature evaluation easier for peer evaluators.
Constraint-Single-User: The product should be for a single user i.e. not a multi-user product.
Reason: multi-user systems are hard to test, which is unfair for peer testers as the number of bugs they find forms a component of the grade they obtain. Furthermore, the Constraint-Typing-Preferred is unlikely to fit a multi-user product
Constraint-Incremental: The product needs to be developed incrementally over the project duration. While it is fine to do less in some weeks and more in other weeks, a reasonably consistent delivery rate is expected. For example, it is not acceptable to do the entire project over the recess week and do almost nothing for the remainder of the semester. Reasons: 1. To simulate a real project where you have to work on a code base over a long period, possibly with breaks in the middle. 2. To learn how to deliver big features in small increments.
Constraint-Human-Editable-File: The data should be stored locally and should be in a human editable text file.
Reason: To allow advanced users to manipulate the data by editing the data file.
Constraint-No-DBMS: Do not use a
Reason: Using a DBMS to store data will reduce the room to apply OOP techniques to manage data. It is true that most real world systems use a DBMS, but given the small size of this project, we need to optimize it for CS2113/T module learning outcomes; covering DBMS-related topics will have to be left to database modules or level 3 project modules.
Constraint-OO: The software should follow the Object-oriented paradigm.
Reason: For you to practice using OOP in a non-trivial project.
Constraint-Platform-Independent: The software should work on the Windows, Linux, and OS-X platforms. Even if you are unable to manually test the app on all three platforms, consciously avoid using OS-dependent libraries and OS-specific features.
Reason: Peer testers should be able to use any of these platforms.
Constraint-Portable: The software should work without requiring an installer. Reason: We do not want to install all your projects on our testing machines when we test them for grading.
Constraint-No-Remote-Server: The software should not depend on your own remote server. Reason: Anyone should be able to use/test your app any time, even after the semester is over.
Constraint-External-Software: The use of third-party frameworks/libraries is allowed but only if they,
and is subjected to prior approval by the teaching team.
Reason: We will not allow third-party software that can interfere with the learning objectives of the module.
Please post in the forum your request to use a third-party libraries before you start using the library. Once a specific library has been approved for one team, other teams may use it without requesting permission again.
Reason: The whole class should know which external software are used by others so that they can do the same if they wish to.
In addition, you are strongly encouraged to follow these recommendations as they can help increase your project score.
Recommendation-Security-Features: It is OK to use security features like login, provided you think through the solution completely e.g., having a login functionality to secure the application, but saving the password in clear text is no good, and can cost you marks in "Quality of feature(s)".
Recommendation-Minimal-Network: It is OK to use a reliable public API e.g., Google search but we recommend that you have a fallback mechanism (e.g., able to load data using a data file if the network is down). Reason: During the mass peer-testing session the network access can be intermittent due to high load. If your feature cannot be tested due to lack of Internet, that will have to be counted as a major bug, to be fair to those whose app is being tested and bugs found being penalized.
Recommendation-NUS-data: If you use NUS data (e.g., scrape data from an NUS website), please work with NUS IT directly to get their approval first. Even well-intentioned use of NUS data without approval can get you into serious trouble (has happened before). The teaching team will not be able to get approval for you as the use of NUS data is not a module requirement.
Recommendation-Testability: Avoid implementing hard-to-test (both for manual testing as well as automated testing) features or features that make your product hard-to-test. Reason: testability is a grading criterion. If you choose to implement such a feature, you will need to spend an extra effort to reach an acceptable level of testability. Here are some examples of features that are hard-to-test:
If you are not sure if your product complies with a certain constraint/recommendation, please seek clarification by posting in the forum (preferred) or emailing the lecturer.
These are some of the main principles underlying the module structure.
The software product you build is a side effect only. You are the product of this module. This means,
Following from that, we evaluate you on not just how much you've done, but also, how well you've done those things. Here are some of the aspects in which we focus on:
We appreciate ... |
But we value more ... |
Ability to deal with low-level details |
Ability to abstract over details, generalize, see the big picture |
A drive to learn latest and greatest technologies |
Ability to make the best of given tools |
Ability to find problems that interest you and solve them |
Ability to solve the given problem to the best of your ability |
Ability to burn the midnight oil to meet a deadline |
Ability to schedule work so that the need for 'last minute heroics' is minimal |
Preference to do things you like or things you are good at |
Ability to buckle down and deliver on important things that you don't necessarily like or aren't good at |
Ability to deliver desired end results |
Ability to deliver in a way that shows how well you delivered (i.e. visibility of your work) |
We learn together, NOT compete against each other.
You are not in a competition. Our grading is not forced on a bell curve.
Learn from each other. That is why we open-source your submissions.
Teach each other, even those in other teams. Those who do it well can become tutors next time.
Continuously engage, NOT last minute heroics.
We want to train you to do software engineering in a steady and repeatable manner that does not require 'last minute heroics'.
In this module, last minute heroics will not earn you a good project grade, and last minute mugging will not earn you a good exam grade.
Where you reach at the end matters, NOT what you knew at the beginning.
When you start the module, some others in the class may appear to know a lot more than you. Don't let that worry you. The final grade depends on what you know at the end, not what you knew to begin with. All marks allocated to intermediate deliverables are within the reach of everyone in the class irrespective of their prior knowledge.
We have a separate website because some of the module information does not fit into the structure imposed by LumiNUS.
On a related note, keep in mind that 'hunting and gathering' of relevant information is one of the skills you need to survive 'in the wild'. Do not always expect all relevant materials to appear 'magically' in some kind of 'work bin'.
Self-study is a critical survival skill in SE industry. Lectures will show you the way, but absorbing content is to be done at your own pace, by yourself. In this module, we still tell you what content to study and also pass most of the content to you. After you graduate, you have to decide what to study and find your own content too.