If you need additional Java practise, you can work through the simple Java coding exercises on repl.it.
The link to our classroom will be available under Links in the navigation bar.
Note: you need to create an account on repl.it to be able to use the platform
These exercises are optional and not graded. If you choose to do it, please set your own pace. You may ask your tutors for help if necessary, outside of the tutorials
CS2113 students only: Form teams at the beginning of the tutorial. Be sure to conform to team forming constrains.
All students:
e.g, CS2113T-W12-2
team from the W
ed 12
00 slot, team 2
class in the following snippet
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Circle c1 = new Circle();
Circle c2 = new Circle(10, 2, 5.5);
Circle c3 = new Circle(3, 3, 0.8);