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CS2113/T Aug '19
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  • Week 2 [Aug 19]
  • Week 3 [Aug 26]
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  • Week 6 [Sep 16]
  • Week 7 [Sep 30]
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  • Project: ConstraintsProject: Timeline

    Forming Teams

    [Picture: The team that was at the top of early Google]

    When to form teams

    • CS2113: Team formation will happen in week 3 tutorial.
    • CS2113T: Your team will be formed in the CS2101 class, the same team is applicable in both CS2113T and CS2101.

    Team size: The default team size is five.

    Team ID: This will be given to you after forming teams. It has the form MODULE-TUTORIAL_ID-TEAM_NUMBER e.g, CS2113T-W12-2 means you are a CS2113T team: tutorial W12 (i.e., Wed 1200-1300), team 2.

    Relevant: [Admin Tutorials → Tutorial IDs ]


    Our tutorial IDs are different from LumiNUS/Edurec.
    Format: CS2113T-W12 means CS2113T tutorial in the time slot Wednesday 1200-1300 and so on.

    Module Tutorial ID ID in LumiNUS
    (not to be used)
    Time Venue Tutors (contact details)
    CS2113T W12 (C01) Wed 1200 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T W13 (C02) Wed 1300 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T W17 (C09) Wed 1700 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T T09 (C05) Thu 0900 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T T12 (C04) Thu 1200 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113 T13 (1) Thu 1300 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113 T14 (3) Thu 1400 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113 T16 (2) Thu 1600 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T F09 (C06) Fri 0900 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T F10 (C03) Fri 1000 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T F11 (C08) Fri 1100 COM1-B103 TBD
    CS2113T F14 (C07) Fri 1400 COM1-B103 TBD

    Team composition

    We allow some freedom in choosing team members, subject to these constraints:

    • All team members should be in the same tutorial. Delay forming teams until your place in a tutorial is confirmed. We do not allow changing tutorials to team up with your preferred team mates.

    • Teams of single nationality are not allowed  Rationale: to train you to work in multicultural teams. However, we allow same nationality teams if the only language common among all team members is English. e.g. an all-Singaporean team that include both Chinese and Malay students.

    • No more than one exchange students per team Rationale: to increase interaction between exchange students and NUS students.

    • Gender balanced teams are encouraged. While all-male teams may be unavoidable at times (due to high male percentage in the cohort), all-female teams are highly discouraged.

    • Also note that we may modify teams when circumstances call for it. There is no avenue for you to object. Staying with your preferred team is not guaranteed.

    Project: ConstraintsProject: Timeline