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CS2113/T Aug '19
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    Week 10 [Oct 21]

    Questions to discuss during tutorial: Divide these questions among team members. Be prepared to answer questions allocated to you.


    1. What is Liskov Substitution Principle?
      Give an example from the project where LSP is followed and explain how to change the code to break LSP.
    2. Explain how Law of Demeter affects coupling
      a. Add a line to this code that violates LoD
      void foo(P p){
    3. Give an example in the project code that violates the Law of Demeter.


    1. Explain and justify: testing should be efficient and effective
    2. Explain how exploratory and scripted testing is used in your project
    3. Give an example of a negative test case in your project
    4. Explain grey-box test case design


    1. Explain: Equivalence Partition improve E&E of testing
    2. What are the EPs for the parameter day of this method
       * Returns true if the three values represent a valid day
      boolean isValidDay(int year, int month, int day){


    1. Explain: Boundary Value Analysis improves E&E of testing
    2. What are the boundary values for the parameter day in the question above?
    3. How can EP and BVA heuristics be used in your project?
    4. How do you ensure some clean up code is run after each JUnit test case?


    1. What is test coverage? What are different types of coverages?
    2. How to measure coverage in Intellij?
    3. What’s the difference between validation and verification?
      Acceptance tests are validation tests or verification tests?
    4. Give an example of static analysis being used in Intellij