This site is from a past semester! The current version is here.
CS2113/T Aug '19
  • Week 1 [Aug 12]
  • Week 2 [Aug 19]
  • Week 3 [Aug 26]
  • Week 4 [Sep 2]
  • Week 5 [Sep 9]
  • Week 6 [Sep 16]
  • Week 7 [Sep 30]
  • Week 8 [Oct 7]
  • Week 9 [Oct 14]
  • Week 10 [Oct 21]
  • Week 11 [Oct 28]
  • Week 12 [Nov 4]
  • Week 13 [Nov 11]
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    Week 5 [Sep 9]

    Suggested tutorial activities

    Requirements analysis

    • Present to your tutor and the other team your target user profile and the problem being solved.
    • As a team, discuss user stores, use cases and non-functional requirements for your project.
    • Present to your tutor and the other team some key user stories and use cases.

    💡 Use GitHub issue tracker to manage user stories, but for that you need to set up your team's GitHub organization, project fork, and issue tracker first. Instructions for doing those steps are in the project tab.

    As a user I can add a person by specifying the name only, so that I can record a contact in the contacts list.

    As a user I can find the phone number by searching for the name, so that I can retrieve the contact details.

    As a user I can delete a contact, so that I can get rid of stale contacts that I no longer care to maintain.

    As an advanced user I can use shorter versions of a command, so that type a command faster.

    Duke increments

    • Present to your tutor the increments you implemented this week.